
Kathryn Lynn Trammel

Before a pro-Trump mob burst into the White House to protest the presidential electoral vote tally, a group of nurses called Global Frontline Nurses met in Washington, D.C. The Ontario College of Nurses verified to The Canadian Press that Nagle and Choujounian were both under investigation for speaking at anti-mask protests and that neither woman was a member of the mob.

While the reasons for departing varied by location, more than half of survey respondents said, they were leaving direct patient care for another profession. This could indicate a developing dissatisfaction with their existing situation. Between February 2021 and November 2021, the percentage of nurses abandoning direct patient care in the United States climbed by ten percentage points.

While many nurses are now coming out against the lockdown, many are concerned about patient safety. As a result, the College of Nurses of Ontario expressed alarm over a recent rally by Nurses Against Lockdowns. The organization distributed rally footage. In the video, a woman named Sarah Choujounian tells about her experience at the anti-lockdown march.

In times of crisis, nurses take on even more responsibilities than usual. They must communicate with patients, triage them, provide psychological support, and provide palliative care. In this environment, nurses must be prepared to cope with any circumstance with the appropriate knowledge and abilities. Before dealing with the issue, nurses' knowledge and skills must be developed.

Mental health issues were common among individuals. The majority indicated moderate to high levels of burnout, with over half reporting high worries. Furthermore, they reported moderate to severe depersonalization and emotional weariness. A total of 228 nurses indicated moderate to high levels of anxiety and sadness. Again, approximately half of the participants experienced skin lesions. The authors suggested that frontline nurses' mental health should be prioritized in the AIDS fight.

Last January, global Frontline Nurses staged a rally on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. According to the campaigners, the public's response to the pandemic failed to provide the necessary care for many people. The group has also promoted a bogus cancer treatment. However, the group's actions did not reflect most nurses' beliefs. Some nurses have resorted to circulating false information regarding the pandemic.

Global and national healthcare systems were tested during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Many frontline health workers were reassigned to respond to the outbreak, endangering their physical health. They also had to deal with defective protective equipment, long hours in packed hospitals, a lack of sleep, and the dread of spreading the infection to others.

During the Ebola outbreak in western Africa, nurses and healthcare professionals died at a high rate due to the deadly disease. In response, a group of nursing leaders in Liberia and Sierra Leone conducted oral history interviews with frontline nurses. In addition to listening to these nurses, the team gathered their leadership experiences during the outbreak and the lessons they learned.

Although epidemiological data on frontline nurses' mental health are lacking, their experiences can be crucial in establishing health responses to epidemics. Additional research could apply similar findings to other frontline health workers. This research can potentially influence the creation of future disaster relief initiatives and future training.

Investing in nurse-led services will be critical in combating disparities. Investing in nurses can assist attract new nurses while retaining those who have left direct patient care in the last two years. Healthcare stakeholders can ensure stability and high-quality patient care by investing in these professionals.

Global frontline nurses are critical in both preventing and responding to epidemics. Preparing healthcare staff and nurses is vital; this study will help them respond to emergencies more effectively. They serve as the first line of defense. However, further research is needed to better understand nurses' functions in these scenarios.

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